Professor Iradj Gandjbakhch
The French surgeon, Doctor Iradj Gandjbakhch was born in Teheran in 1941.
President of ADICARE (Association pour le Développement et l’Innovation en Cardiologie) since 2016, Professor Iradj Gandjbakhch was devoted collaborator of Professor Christian Cabrol and also played a great role in the main steps of the cardiac surgery development in Europe, especially in the first European heart transplantation in 1968.
He was deeply involved in the foundation of the “Institut de Cardiologie du Groupe Pitié-Salpêtrière” and the ADICARE, the main goal being to gather all the surgical cardiologist specialists within the same structure in order for the patients not to move from a department to another and/or from a hospital to another.
From 1990 to 2008, Professor Iradj Gandjbakhch was head of the Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Department in Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital. In 2001 was founded the Institute of Cardiology, one of the biggest in Europe.
Member of the medical National Academy since November 13rd 2001, he was nominated President in 2010. Meanwhile Professor Iradj Gandjbakhch was also member of “Pierre et Marie Curie” university Fondation Administration Council.
Professor Iradj Gandjbakhch took part in the National Council for Medicine, Orthodontics and Pharmacy.
He has received the distinctions of Officer of the Order of Merit and Officer of the Legion of Honor.
He is the author:
Greffes cardiaques, with Christian Cabrol and Alain Pavie, Flammarion, 1996.
Plaies et traumatismes du thorax, with Jean-Pierre Ollivier and René Jancovici, Arnette, 1997.
Pathologies de l’aorte, collective, with Jean-Pierre Ollivier, Med-Line, 2004.