Vladimir Pilossoff2018-12-02T19:00:43+00:00
Professor Vladimir Pilossoff

Professor Vladimir Pilossoff

Professor Vladimir Pilossoff

Date of birth: 30 th March 1945, Sofia (Bulgaria)


1962:   diplome of Lycee for forin languages, Sofia

1968:   diplome High school of Medicine, Sofia


Professional Career:

1969:   (march – december):

Collaborator of scientific group for investigation of endemic nephropathy in  Bulgaria.

1970_1972: Assistant in the clinic of Pediatrics in the Institut for Postgraduate medical education.

1986    Head of the unity for postoperative care in the clinic for pediatric Cardiology in the National Heart Hospital.

1988    Head of the department for pediatric cardiology and pediatric cardiosurgery at National Heart Hospital.


Deputy director of the National Heart Hospital

2002_2005&2010 – 2013:

Executif director of the National Heart Hospital.

2005_ 2010 Head of the unity for pediatric cardiology in the National Heart



Head of the department for pediatric cardiology in the National Heart      Hospital


Chief Expert in the Executive Agency for Medical Audit (Ministry of Health)


Director of  Center for Treatmet of Childs (Ministry of Health)

2018    Chief Expert in the Executive Agency for Medical Audit (Ministry of Health)


1975_1976: Intensive care_France (Paris) “St Vincent de Paul” hospital.

1983_1984: Fellow of “Alexander von Humboldt“ Fondation; postoperative intensive care in  the German Heart Center (Munich).



1977:   Lycence of Pediatrics

1980:   Lycence of Pediatric Cardiology

            2005:   Lycence of public health and management


Scientifique licenses:

1986: Dissertation for doctoral degree “Prostaglandines – Application in pediatric cardiology”

1988: Associate professor of pediatrics

2012: Academic position Professor of pediatrics


Public Activities:

1986_until now:          Member of  of Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC)

1995_1999:                 Member of the Council of AEPC; Chairman of the 34th Meeting of AEPC, Sofia, 1999

1995:                           Advisory Editorial Board of „Pediatric Cardiology”

2002 until now:          Member of GA of Bulgarian Red Cross

2008_2010:                 President of Bulgarian Society of Cardiology

2008_until now:          Deputy Chief Editor of  “Pediatria”_ Bulgaria

2009_until now:          Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology

2010_2012:                 Member of the Council of Bulgarian Society of Cardiology as past president

2012_until now:         President of Bulgarian pediatric Association

2012_until now:         Member of the GA of European Academy of Pediatrics

2015_until now:         Chief Editor of  “Practical Pediatrics”_Bulgaria

2015_2018                 National agent for the MOCHA Project

2017                           Member of the Editorial Board of “Pediatria”_Ukraine